


Psychologist Aronson has shown that people and products who admit a flaw become more appealing. MONK were Tasked by BrewDog’s CMO to creating the next wave of behavioural adverts and campaigns to deliver this change and headline attention, continuing the brands momentum and US expansion.


Working with in-house teams, behavioural author Richard Shotton and psychologists, MONK produced a variety of select campaigns for upcoming new product releases, development and ad hoc campaign takeovers. This included using two distinct behavioural approaches;

(i) mirrored strength of the pratfall effect – featuring social hate that others would likely embrace BrewDog over the individual. Whether that be regular customers or those more public.

Secondly (ii) applying social proof laterally as we named the desired enemy BrewDog has set about taking on. We called it Industrialised Beer Everywhere or ‘IBE’.